Comparative Literature: Editions of Chopin and Brahms Works
Welcome! The seminar you're about to attend expands my first seminar about Brahms and Chopin editing (August 2020).
1. To access the seminar handout, click the orange button below. The handout includes active links to associated editions if you don't have copies of repertoire.
2. Zoom link for both sessions was emailed on Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2022.
3. Preparing for the Seminar:
Listen to the following Playlist. If you do not have scores for some of them, click the links in the Handout.
-Chopin Fantasie Op. 49
-Chopin Polonaise-Fantasie Op. 61
-Brahms Three Intermezzi Op. 117
-Brahms Clavierstücke Op. 118 nr. 2 and nr. 6
-Brahms Clavierstücke Op. 119 nr. 1
I will use excerpts from these pieces that show specifics in different editions. You will want to recognize the main themes and their locations in each piece. If your scores do not have numbered bars, you should number them.
4. What to bring to the Seminar:
a. Handout (click orange button above);
b. questions about editions of Chopin and Brahms music (publishers, reliable editors, sources);
c. an edition or editions you work from when playing Chopin or Brahms works;
d. pen or pencil.